Monday, January 27, 2014

When Someone Copies My Art

I logged onto Pinterest the other night and saw that someone had copied my painting. I was a little disappointed that the person did not credit me. This original watercolor was created back in 2004. Sadly it is damaged (bad gluing job) but *thankfully* I have the original high res scan. About people "taking" or modifying my work: at the end of the day, I am not worried at all. 

 No one is going to have the exact watercolor touch, style, or hallmark as mine. All I have to do is keep making soulful, original art. And lots of it! :)

If you do pin or share any artists' work, please credit them. Thank you.


Marguerite said...

It's a pity, but never mind! There are aklways people like that. Think, the soul of an art work can't be stolen. - Yestreday a tryes my first watercolor washing as you show on your video. It's fantastic! Thank you!
Hugs, Marguerite

jabbott said...

Sorry to hear your work has been copied, its a beautiful piece of work x

Jess said...

They say it's the highest form of flattery but only this morning I saw on Facebook a picture of flowers that looked uncannily like one of mine. It made my heart race with anger but I decided not to do anything about it. As you say, things can be copied but the heart of the painting will be missing.Your art is so beautiful Gina, only you can create it. :)
Jess x

Sandi Keene said...

Gina- please check for a PM on Facebook.

Lalav said...

I agree. It's annoying but in the end who cares? Creativity is something that can only grow in the hands of real artists.. and thieves are certainly not!
I appreciate all of your paintings.

Timaree said...

I like your attitude. I sometimes think the copyright law, although necessary, sometimes goes too far. If I wanted to make a still life, can I call it mine or do I have to credit the china ware company, the vase company, the silverware or how about the GMO fruits? Where does it end? Even a still life with fruit in a bowl has been done so many times, we are just making a copy if we make one ourselves. I am glad you could let it go although if someone is taking the actual image of yours and copying it off for sale then I would hope you wouldn't allow it. That too me, is where a theft comes in as they are making the money off your work rather than you then.

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